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Introducing the Bio Futures Fellows Program

Bio Futures Fellow image

New for the 2020-2021 academic year, the Bio Futures Fellows is a part-time fellowship program that aims to recognize young leaders from a diversity of disciplines and empower them to engage issues at the interface of biotechnology, ethics, and public policy. 

Biology is a defining technology of the 21st century. Our abilities to alter, engineer, and even create entirely new living systems are rapidly maturing. To ensure advances serve public interests towards more peaceful, prosperous, and just societies, we need to equip leaders who can wisely guide innovations in both technologies and public policies. Currently, graduate students and postdoctoral scholars have few opportunities to substantively engage these issues at Stanford, despite being well-positioned to benefit and bring together interdisciplinary interests. 

The Bio Futures Fellowship is supported by the Bio Policy & Leadership at Stanford (Bio.Polis) Initiative and the Department of Bioengineering through support from the Stanford Ethics, Society, and Technology (EST) Hub. Fellows will work closely with Dr. Megan J. Palmer, Executive Director of Bio Policy & Leadership Initiatives as well as faculty and staff in Bioengineering, the Program in Science, Technology and Society (STS), the, and other units. They will co-design teaching, research, and engagement initiatives at the interface of biotechnology, ethics, and public policy

Additionally, throughout the program, Fellows will network through small group discussions with leaders across academia, government, industry, and nongovernmental organizations and design new programs to engage others through course development, workshops, and future iterations of the fellowship. 

Eligible Fellows will also receive a stipend of $3000. 

Learn more and submit applications here: Application deadline is November 1st, 2020.

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